Ok, we get the banner that Amy so brilliantly thought up, out and stretched it out. We immediately saw that we wasn't getting that front line, but the Hammerheads that was there so graciously allowed the banner to be seen, one guy even helped hold the other side, very very nice of him. We had people that never has heard of Marty come right up to us, what a nice banner, who is this, where is this, what kind of music?...I went into natural mode here, and this one awesome lady EVEN went to the concert that night, skipping class, cause I made her promise to come if I gave her a free wristband. I was gonna give it to her free anyhow, but she didn't know that. ;D She loved the show and actually asked when are they coming back, so I told her she has to come here next to find out....She was just one out of 20 that asked about Marty at that area, and hence the LOVE was spread.
Ok, here glides out Marty holding his guitar, strumming away, oh Marty glides by the way, he doesn't just walk, he glides. Ok, the huge smile on his face was very contagious, and Billy sat next to him and Bobby. I'm like WHERE'S DINO....Dino dude is standing in the corner, apparently this is all accoustic, but Dino was Dino and worked the crowd very well, and lets say. The man can just stand next to a wall and draw attention, so he did that well too. They played Trees, and I was amazed at Marty's voice sounding SO GOOD first thing in the morning. His voice sounded like angels, and Billy rocked like ALWAYS with the guitar, and Bobby pounded away at the...yes....no drums, but the tamborine. Was an ok sound, and of course, Bobby added that much important heart beat and rythym even with tamborines in his hands....
Ok, the song was over, so the boyz meandered back to where we the loyal fans waking up at 330 in the morning was standing, and lets all remember. By that time, my BED HEAD was gone, but the wind was blowing so what was the deal I say? Oh well, life goes on. Dino then makes his way over to us, and we all chat. There was about 15 fans out there, maybe less maybe more, I didn't count, but each and every one of us got some very important time, good conversations, and some laughs from each of the boyz. We also all took pictures, and Marty had a BLAST making one video that My Sil made, which will hopefully be up later today for ya all to see. YOU'LL LOVE IT...Marty gave us permission to use the video, only if his hair looked good, I'm like dude, ya could go bald and it would look good....At first I thought Bobby was definately not a morning person, but he warmed up and chatted away for about and hour and 30 minutes. Then the TV crew called the Lovehammers away and they got to sing another song, some of Call of Distress before the show closed. Talk about a MEET AND GREET, this was the BEST EVAH....The boyz are goofy in the mornings, and was so themselves, enjoyed EVERY second of EVERY minute talking to each and everyone of them. It was like chatting with friends, well I guess after this long of being fans, we are their friends, it's just that EASY to talk to them and all, was cool. I mean, here is Marty Casey Rock Star like there hasn't been a Rock Star, famous, full of adventure, the lists could go on and on, and he is still so down to earth, so appreciative, and so NICE......I was blown away at the flow of all the talk.
Ok, they soon take off, and we leave too. Of course, I was in this haze of all hazes, and when this happens, one should NOT DRIVE.....Did we get lost again....OF COURSE....Did we care?....HELL NO......We were squeeeeing for about an hour and realized, where are we?......Oh my.....So, we turn around and go back to one My Monster hotel room, where of course I parked right in front of the tour bus. No big deal to see it now, we just walked by and went upstairs.
I then go and get ready for the concert that night. We get to the venue cause we hear the cheeseburgers are the BOMB at Blueberry Hill, so we decided to eat there. Walk in sit down. And just guess, just guess who walks in after us.....Ok, are we guessing yet?.....THE LOVEHAMMERS.....I'm still all tunnel vision, and say oh my Lord there's Dino......Oh and by the way, that man is perfection. He even walks into a restaraunt Rock Star Style if there ever was one, and just struts over and sits down. I'm thinking just eat Nancy, hurry and eat, everything will be fine....I call up my Penny girl, and I say to her, guess who I am having dinner with?...She's like shut up.....I'm like nope, I can't. I ask, do ya want to talk to Marty?....Ok, ladies and gentlemen.....For the record books, here's Penny's reply....."NOOOOOO"......Was her voice hurting?....Was she sick?...Don't know, but apparently for once in her life she got shy to be around the Marty Man. Ok, the boys sit on the other side of the partianed wall, with this huge cut out open window just seperating Linda and her group, and we was next to them. Dino keeps on popping up over the window, and skeering poor Linda to death....Whatcha eating? Whatcha drinking?.....Damn, if the man didn't look as good as he did, I'm sure Linda would of popped him one.....Then he pocks his finger up and everyone just laughs, the man is a natural for sure...I'm like dieing here, BARTENDER, give me ANOTHER Southern Comfort NOW.......Ok, the cheesesticks finally went down after 3 Southern Comforts and trying to nonchantanly keep my eyes off of the drop dead gorgeous Rock Stars that are eating right across from us, VERY HARD TO DO by the way.....When men look that good, they should be made to eat in private....IT'S THEIR FAULT Natasha didn't finish her chicken wings.....Cause as soon as Marty got up to go to the bathroom, Natasha was a goner I say, she was a LOST teenager, and there was no more consuming food on her little part....I'm sure she was thinking at that moment, how can I sneak into the men's bathroom.....Oh my....But we were very respectable, and non stalkerish, is that a word?....But damn, they looked just so FINE.......
Ok, we get down to the area where they are playing, and find a spot for me and my wheelchair to plop in, and get ready, I'm like I need more Southern Comfort, thank God for whom ever invented that stuff, cause it really really WORKS.....
The opening band started up, and just by chance the first bands drummer was seated right next to me, so I had a great view of the man's rear.....He apparently needed talcum powder or something for those drum sticks of his, cause he lost a great many of them, Natasha's like "what the hell", they kept on hitting her in the head, here I am, Southern Comforted all up, thinking it was funny as all get out....Ok, he did sign them after all, so all wasn't that bad. The band wasn't bad, but oh hello, we were getting ready to hear music from the Lovehammers, and there is just NO comparison.....
They are done.....finally and the Bobby walks out....The crowd goes insane, I'm like screaming my ass off....Was great.....The music begins, Ultrasound, and I swear the beginning of that song gets your blood just naturally pumping faster automatically, and it's over after that....The music just flowed.....The guys are PROS here, their movements, oh my on the Billy moves....Here I am sitting for the first time on Billy's side of the stage.....The man ROCKS.....Marty sings, Marty makes us laugh, BEST concert so far....The sound penetrated your soul, and the words hit your heart like Rock Music has NEVER done before, these boyz need to go BIG......They are soooo worth every mile, every penny spent, every thing, just to hear that sound they make.....I'm talking we could have World Peace here, just spread the LOVE, and it's all over after that!!!....When Marty sang Wish You Were Here, I about fell over in my wheelchair.....Voice from HEAVEN, he has.....Angels had invaded Marty's body, and makes that voice of his sound truly unique and beautiful. Oh man, talk about goosebumps that WON'T go away....OH MY......So many good concert moments, singing Happy Birthday to Billy man, so many perfect moments....Oh did I mention Marty squatting down right in front of me, ME OF ALL PEOPLE.....not....breathing....at.....that.....moment.......sings most of Eyes CAn't See right into my eyes, grabs my hands, and he pulls my hands to wipe away the sweat on his forehead, face, and neck,.....not....breathing....did.....I.....bring.....oxygen......I about died, what a moment.....That almost took over the moment that sweet little Bobby takes off his shirt back there, oh my Lord ladies......Marty announces, Bobby's stripping ladies....Like dude...WE CAN SEE THAT.....MOVE.......Oh, God's perfection at work.....Great concert, great music....Oh the music.....It doesn't just stop going through your soul either, that is what is SO AMAZING about a Lovehammers concert....Each song is so unique, each sound penatrates your blood pressure, and you....end....up....needing.....MORE SOUTHERN COMFORT.....hehehe...Ok, for real, the music is just heart wrenching, soul grabbing, hair raising Rock N Roll at it's basic and hardcore roots.....Can't say enough about it....That sound could help with World Peace, I'm not shitting ya all.....
Ok, I'm dead after concert.....Well, not literally, but almost there....Get some more hugs from some great people, chat a bit more, then I must leave.....I didn't even stick around for the meet and greet, I'm like I've been around em all day, why do I want to hug em now when they are all sweating, no thanks, so I haul my butt off.....Actually I was starting to cramp allot, and the best thing for me to do, and it was going on 1 A.M. by that time, was to go back to Linda and crash....We get there about 2 a.m. and sleep?...Hell no, there was no sleep for me.....I just had the BEST day ever, so I just lay there in suspended animation, and then get up for some coffee.....
Oh, Linda's friend CJ is the BEST ever, I think I have forgot to even mention her, she's a DOLL, and a great hostess too, how she ever consumed a HUGE sloppy cheeseburger with grace in front of the Lovehammers, I'll never know....So, credit is given where credit is due, I couldn't of done it, I was good to get the cheese sticks down.....
So, now I'm off to ANOTHER adventure in the Lovehammer's Land, and I'm gonna hear this sound that goes right through me TONIGHT......I'm SO EXCITED.......Ok, I have one delimna going here.....Which side of the stage do I sit on now?......
Ok, love ya all, and it was a blast to be there, sorry if I left anyone out....Everyone has their own moments and stories to tell, mine is just mine, and I get more TONIGHT.......Ok, just to let ya know,...Just anticipating hearing this music again gives me goosebumps, and I CAN'T WAIT........Love all.....Nancy.....